Our Food and Services

Blenders team believe in bringing out the freshest and best and as such our team always does our quality check on our food and drinks.

We also listen to all our customer and believe that through the feedback of our customer is where we will understand ourselves better as well as where the improvement will begin.

Our Food :

Crispy Waffles - with selective choices of flavors

Crispy Waffle Biscuit - with choice of dips or topping

Crispy Chicken Waffles

Hot Dog Buns

Sausage Buns

Seaweed Chicken

Popcorn Chicken (Coming soon)

Our Drinks :

Premium Coffee

Ceylonese Tea


Ice or Ice Blended choice of tea or coffee

*NEW* Ice Blended Moca

with pearls and whip cream choice

We are located at Blk 410, Ang Mo kio Ave 10 #01-853, Singapore 560410

Situated as the 3rd nearest shop to Teck Ghee CC.

So come on over~!

Sunday, 29 May 2011

The New improved milk tea series and Latest Mocha Ice Blended

Hi all,

We are proud to present to you, our new and improved milk tea drinks. Please come and test it out.

Also, we are glad to bring to you our latest moca ice blended, which can be topped with whip cream. It will certainly make you feel like having another.

Blenders Cafe Team

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Regarding Products

Today, we have placed on facebook a question to our esteemed customers what kind of products they would like to see and buy from our store if we have it.

Despite having very little traffic to our store currently, i believe with the strong support of others, we will be able to reach out to more people.

Please add us on facebook if you can ^_^

Blenders Cafe Team

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

We are still new and improving

Hey all,

We are listening to all opinion on what you would like to see in our cafe. At the moment, we will really like to get to know all of you.

So come on down, even if you don't buy anything, we would be glad to make another friend. Hope to see more people visiting the shop.

Blenders Cafe